Category archive for ‘Food Safety’

Food Safety Through the Eyes of the Consumer: What Does That Mean for You?
What does “Food Safety Through the Eyes of the Consumer” Mean for You? That was the question food processor William Thomas posed at the 12th Annual North American Summit on Food Safety in Toronto recently. Thomas is CEO of Thomas Canning (Maidstone) Ltd., a tomato processing company located in Ontario, Canada. His company is the […]
Definition of Food Safety Expanding Due to Consumer Awareness
The last decade has produced a revolution in North American consumers’ relationship to the food they purchase and consume and we’re finding that today’s consumers are intensely focused on the relationship of their diet to their health. They read and evaluate food labels before selecting products for their grocery carts to the extent that foods […]
National Food Safety Month Celebrates 20 Years
September, 2014 marks the 20th anniversary of National Food Safety Month (NFSM), started by the National Restaurant Association (NRA) as an annual event to help keep food safety top of mind. Each year a theme is selected to focus in on an important food safety topic. For 2014, it’s “Be Safe: Don’t Cross Contaminate”. From […]
The Culture of Food Safety: Transforming from “Have to” to “Want to”
The Culture of Food Safety is not so different than that of Continuous Improvement. In continuous improvement programs, successful organizations look not only at the processes and technologies that drive their organization, but at how the processes and technologies are used, implemented, and sustained by their employees. You’ve heard so many talks about employee engagement […]
Food Safety Lessons from Europe: This Could Happen in the U.S.
By David Acheson, Leavitt Partners The on-going devastation in Europe linked to E. coli O104 serves as a strong reminder to those of us in the United States that we are always one step away from a major food safety crisis. The most recent numbers would indicate over 1,500 individuals have been diagnosed with infection and over […]
Global Standards: What Do They Really Mean?
How do we define global standards? Do we concern ourselves about food safety in supply chain or just the areas we are involved in? At Modal Solutions, we are dependent on the immense knowledge of those who work in farming, food production, and food process and manufacture whose diligence and dedication is vital to the […]
What Is The Difference Between Auditing and Certification?
While auditing is a key aspect of any food safety certification program, there are additional components which can provide greater assurance requirements are being met. Traditional 3rd party audits are typically a one day-audits, resulting in an audit report that notes areas of conformance and non-conformance against established criteria. The supplier could then share the […]
Why Is Certification Important To My Business?
There are several benefits of obtaining certification to a global standard. The certification Demonstrates commitment to, and compliance with, the highest international standards Demonstrates compliance with customer requirements Opens the door to new global markets Provides a framework for continuous food safety and quality improvement GFSI-benchmarked certification programs are raising the bar for the food […]
Food Safety Goes Global
When I was asked to write a blog for Global Food Safety Resource, I was interested in addressing the aspect of global food safety issues. After all, our world is a global village with many countries facing similar food safety issues. Whether due to the lack of potable water, improper cooking of the food, an […]