Preventing Food Recalls Using Artificial Intelligence
By Lois Harris Artificial intelligence (AI) can provide food manufacturing companies with a much better chance of avoiding recalls, according to Harjeet Bajaj. “If you can predict an adverse situation related to food quality, you have a chance of preventing it from actually happening,” the President and CEO of Savormetrics says, adding that preventive quality […]
Categories: Food Recalls
Tags: Artificial intelligence in food safety , Artificial intelligence quality assurance , Artificial intelligence quality control , prevent food recalls with artificial intelligence
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Have Food Safety Audits Reduced the Number of Recalls?
By Victor Muliyil Major Canadian food retailers and manufacturers rely on the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) approved food safety schemes, (sometimes with additional specific criteria), as the primary criterion for supplier or vendor qualification. The question is: have food safety audits reduced the number of food safety recalls? There is little published evidence correlating […]
Categories: Crisis Management, Food Contamination, Food Recalls
Tags: Food Safety , food safety audits , food safety recalls
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Improving Food Safety Training is the Key to Compliance
By Tina Brillinger Frank Yiannis, Deputy Commissioner for Food Policy and Response at the Food and Drug Association (FDA)—and a former contributor to GFSR— believes that improving food safety culture in an organization requires some simple changes in people’s behaviour. In order to help companies learn and achieve those behavioural changes, Global Food Safety Resource® […]
Categories: Food Safety Culture
Tags: Food Safety , food safety culture , Food Safety Training
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The Positive Business Impacts of PCQI Training
By Laura Lombard Investing in robust food safety training not only checks off the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) regulatory boxes but it can also result in measurable business impact. Food manufacturing businesses are always required to have at least one Preventive Control Qualified Individuals (PCQI) on staff to build and manage the food safety […]
Categories: Preventive Controls, Regulatory Compliance, Training and Courses
Tags: Food Safety , food safety practices , PCQI training
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“Best If Used By”: New FDA Wording Aims To Reduce Food Waste
By Susan L. (Susie) Hoeller, J.D., CITP The statistics around food waste in America are astounding and disturbing. Between 30 and 40 percent of food in the United States is thrown away – as much as 20 pounds of food per person per month. That means Americans are wasting $165 billion in food each year. […]
Categories: Food Safety, Labelling
Tags: consumer fears about food safety , Food Safety , food waste
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Getting Food Safety Training and Certification Right
By Victor Muliyil The global food industry today is once again being bombarded by food safety schemes and regulations that seem to change almost annually, leading to increased retraining costs and costly recertification audits. The question is: do these changing scheme versions bring any real value to your company’s risk management or recall avoidance or […]
Categories: Food Safety Standards, Industry Standards, Regulatory Compliance, Risk Management
Tags: Food Safety , Food safety management , food safety schemes
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Drive out Recall Risk with Food Safety Ownership
By Jeff Hall The North American produce industry has seen more than its share of recalls and outbreaks over the last few years. Bagged salads, spinach, melons, caramel apples and others have grabbed headlines, and this occasionally shines an unduly negative light on the industry. Produce sales continue to grow, however, and governments increasingly encourage […]
Categories: Food Recalls, Food Safety Challenges, Packaging
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Remote Monitoring Provides Fast, Effective and Green Pest Control
By Jeff Robbins We live in a world where everything is connected. We ask Google questions, place online orders with a few simple words, watch our porches through connected doorbells, and more. We can also use technology to facilitate our pest management programs. Remote, Real-Time Monitoring Today’s pest management companies function as consultants to businesses, […]
Categories: Food Contamination, Food Recalls, Food Safety, Food Safety Challenges, Packaging, Risk Management
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Include Laboratory-Based Testing in Your Food Fraud Solution
By Cameron Scadding Innovation in analytical science methods is uncovering food safety and food fraud issues faster than ever before, but the pace of detection is moving faster than methods for prevention. Some in the industry feel this is an issue, although if science can detect anomalies that reduce the burden on human health and […]
Categories: A Global View, Advancements in Technology, Food Fraud, Food Recalls, Food Safety, Food Safety Challenges, Global Supply Chain, Software Maintenance, Supply Chain Management, Trends in the Industry
Tags: food fraud , Food Safety , food safety supply chain
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Preventing Food Fraud: What You Need To Know
By Clare Winkel Different countries have different food fraud regulations and often they even define the words according to their own unique priorities. If you are exporting, you need to know what the legal requirements are, as well as what the term itself means in different regions of the world. However you define it, though, […]
Categories: A Global View, Food Contamination, Food Fraud
Tags: food fraud , food fraud assessment , food fraud hazards , food fraud vulnerability assessment , Food Safety
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