Tag archive for ‘food safety culture’
COVID-19 Could Drive Food Safety Culture Improvements
By Brita Ball The coronavirus pandemic has created the possibility for an unexpected lesson for food industry leaders. According to Lone Jespersen, principal consultant at Cultivate Food Safety, firms can use this as an opportunity to advance their food safety culture faster than at any other time. “There has never been such a clear understanding […]
Improving Food Safety Training is the Key to Compliance
By Tina Brillinger Frank Yiannis, Deputy Commissioner for Food Policy and Response at the Food and Drug Association (FDA)—and a former contributor to GFSR— believes that improving food safety culture in an organization requires some simple changes in people’s behaviour. In order to help companies learn and achieve those behavioural changes, Global Food Safety Resource® […]
Benefits Abound With A Solid Food Safety Culture
By Brita Ball Food safety issues have been found where no one would have thought to look. Remember the Listeria outbreak in candy apples? What’s more, current outbreaks can be traced to older food safety issues that were not completely solved, making food safety vigilance even more important now than ever. While our ability to […]
Enhanced Food Safety Training Key to Compliance
By Tina Brillinger With new food safety regulations rolling out in Canada on the heels of the new American legislation it’s important that businesses know what’s changed, and what employees need to be doing differently, in order to meet compliance. So, it’s no surprise that one of the biggest trends in the industry is ensuring that proper food […]
How to Increase the Value of Internal Audits
By Brita Ball External food safety audits can seem like a necessary evil, and internal audits a burden. But what if there’s another way to look at them? What if aligning internal food safety audits with broader business goals will transform audits into powerful mechanisms for improvement? Audits assess the effectiveness of a food safety […]
E-Learning for Food Safety: Three Business Benefits
By Jennefer Griffith The food and beverage industry is fast-paced and demanding and, as a result, it is always in need of highly skilled and highly trained individuals. But conventional food safety-related classroom training can be expensive and time-consuming, and a lot of people are making the switch to e-learning opportunities these days. Is this […]
Building a Team to Meet FSMA Requirements: Three Questions to Ask
By Jennifer McEntire, Ph.D. The Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) is an act of Congress that directs the US Food and Drug Agency (FDA) to enhance the rules and policies around food safety. FSMA touches on so many aspects of the business that a company’s “FSMA team” should include representatives that extend well beyond food safety […]
Do You Need to Strengthen Your Food Safety Culture? Ask These Four Questions First
By Neil Coole A strong food safety culture has been sought by food manufacturers, processors and packers around the world for a number of years now, and it continues to be discussed and debated at board level within these organisations without a clear path as to how best to achieve it. Fundamentally, organizations are looking […]

Communicating for Food Safety: Seven Steps on the Ladder to Success
By Joan Martino Some would agree that 90% of a manager’s job is communicating, yet many managers fail to take the time to plan for proper communications. It’s a big job. Yet it can make all the difference in effectively resolving food safety problems. Communication is a process and this is how it works: An […]
Leveraging the Front Line for Food Safety Training
By Andrew Kramer Co-operative education, or “co-op”, as it’s commonly called, has successfully existed in Canada at the university level since the 1950s. With the continued implementation of the directives of the Safe Food for Canadians Act, it’s a challenge for companies to remain staffed for the resulting workloads. But co-op students can be an […]