Tag archive for ‘Food Supply System’
Rethinking the Global Approach to Food Fraud: A Comparative Overview
By Cesare Varallo I had the chance to lead a panel on food fraud this summer at Alberto Alemanno’s Summer Academy in Global Food Law & Policy and I and my panel co-chair, Francesco Montanari, found the experience very insightful. The Summer Academy is an established one-week summer program that brings together practitioners, policymakers, industry […]

Food Safety Through the Eyes of the Consumer: What Does That Mean for You?
What does “Food Safety Through the Eyes of the Consumer” Mean for You? That was the question food processor William Thomas posed at the 12th Annual North American Summit on Food Safety in Toronto recently. Thomas is CEO of Thomas Canning (Maidstone) Ltd., a tomato processing company located in Ontario, Canada. His company is the […]