Category archive for ‘Food Recalls’
Japan’s Food Safety Systems Get Global Recognition
By Lois Harris Pulling together a globally-recognized food safety certification system in a nation in which the vast majority of traditional food manufacturers are small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) seems like a nearly impossible task. But Japan has done it. In late 2018, the Japan Food Safety Management Association and the Japan GAP Foundation received […]
Meal Kit Delivery Services May Be Convenient: But How Would a Recall Work?
By Brian Kellerman The trend towards busy families and professionals utilizing meal kit delivery services to save valuable time without having to abandon the kitchen is most likely here to stay. However, one aspect of this trend that has not yet been fully considered is the relatively high level of food safety risk inherent in […]
Handle With Care: The Silver Lining for Your Brand in a Food Product Recall
By Steve Hather The thought of a product recall can scare even the most seasoned executives in the food industry. Examples of companies that have incidents and product recalls escalating into a crisis litter social media. Some lose short term sales but bounce back, some take ages to recover. Some don’t make it back at […]
Social Media and Recall Management Communication: Are You Prepared?
By Joan Martino Does your company have a communication strategy that includes “social media” in a crisis? More than three billion people actively use social media, and more than 60% of adults use these sources for current news. Recall Management Plans typically follow a systematic investigative approach to ensure the public is protected from unsafe […]

Comparing Food Recall Procedures between Europe and the USA
By Cesare Varallo Regulation is an important issue for anyone who takes food from farm to fork, no matter what side of the Atlantic Ocean they’re on. But there are some dramatic differences in how the European Union (EU) and the United States (US) handle food recalls, especially when it comes to communicating the impact […]
Rethinking the Global Approach to Food Fraud: A Comparative Overview
By Cesare Varallo I had the chance to lead a panel on food fraud this summer at Alberto Alemanno’s Summer Academy in Global Food Law & Policy and I and my panel co-chair, Francesco Montanari, found the experience very insightful. The Summer Academy is an established one-week summer program that brings together practitioners, policymakers, industry […]