Category archive for ‘A Global View’
The Three Biggest Threats in the Global Food Chain: Provenance, Adulteration & Compliance
By J. Marcelo Gomez and John G. Keogh Consumers are increasingly scrutinizing the provenance and authenticity of food, demanding more transparency and food safety compliance. And for good reason: food fraud is currently estimated to have a dollar value of USD $49 billion according to the Grocery Manufacturing Association (GMA). Food fraud is serious business […]
Secret Sauce for Food Industry Brokers: What it Takes to Thrive
By John Kukoly Brokers have always played an important role in the food industry, supporting activities ranging from sourcing components, acting as agents and distributors, arranging the repacking and distribution of food products, importing and exporting, and even providing financial services. In short, they have been a vital link in an ever-growing, increasingly complex and […]
Current Regulatory Challenges to Exporting to the European Union
By Francesco Montanari With a population of over 500 million consumers, the European Union (EU) represents today a highly attractive market for food business operators interested in international trade. Yet, from a regulatory perspective, accessing the EU market can be a challenging task for food companies that are located outside the EU. There are a […]
GFSI 2017 Houston Conference Highlights
By Sarah Malenich Even though “Houston” was the first word spoken from the moon back in 1970, at this year’s Global Food Safety Conference that was held in Houston Texas, no one was using the famous phrase “Houston we have a problem!” to describe today’s food safety industry. The Global Food Safety Conference brought together […]

Common Non-conformities to a GFSI Scheme: What To Watch For
By Mark Mendonca In an industry where there is an abundance of auditable schemes, standards, regulations, and requirements, it is little wonder that even the most seasoned professional can become confused by the requirements in a particular scheme. And if you were to talk about Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) schemes to anyone in the […]