Tag archive for ‘Food Safety’
Improving Food Safety Training is the Key to Compliance
By Tina Brillinger Frank Yiannis, Deputy Commissioner for Food Policy and Response at the Food and Drug Association (FDA)—and a former contributor to GFSR— believes that improving food safety culture in an organization requires some simple changes in people’s behaviour. In order to help companies learn and achieve those behavioural changes, Global Food Safety Resource® […]
The Positive Business Impacts of PCQI Training
By Laura Lombard Investing in robust food safety training not only checks off the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) regulatory boxes but it can also result in measurable business impact. Food manufacturing businesses are always required to have at least one Preventive Control Qualified Individuals (PCQI) on staff to build and manage the food safety […]
“Best If Used By”: New FDA Wording Aims To Reduce Food Waste
By Susan L. (Susie) Hoeller, J.D., CITP The statistics around food waste in America are astounding and disturbing. Between 30 and 40 percent of food in the United States is thrown away – as much as 20 pounds of food per person per month. That means Americans are wasting $165 billion in food each year. […]
Getting Food Safety Training and Certification Right
By Victor Muliyil The global food industry today is once again being bombarded by food safety schemes and regulations that seem to change almost annually, leading to increased retraining costs and costly recertification audits. The question is: do these changing scheme versions bring any real value to your company’s risk management or recall avoidance or […]
Include Laboratory-Based Testing in Your Food Fraud Solution
By Cameron Scadding Innovation in analytical science methods is uncovering food safety and food fraud issues faster than ever before, but the pace of detection is moving faster than methods for prevention. Some in the industry feel this is an issue, although if science can detect anomalies that reduce the burden on human health and […]
Preventing Food Fraud: What You Need To Know
By Clare Winkel Different countries have different food fraud regulations and often they even define the words according to their own unique priorities. If you are exporting, you need to know what the legal requirements are, as well as what the term itself means in different regions of the world. However you define it, though, […]
Benefits Abound With A Solid Food Safety Culture
By Brita Ball Food safety issues have been found where no one would have thought to look. Remember the Listeria outbreak in candy apples? What’s more, current outbreaks can be traced to older food safety issues that were not completely solved, making food safety vigilance even more important now than ever. While our ability to […]
Getting it Right: Pathogen Detection
By Lois Harris Choosing the right pathogen detection technology for food manufacturing businesses can be a daunting task. But it’s a necessity, considering the grave consequences of allowing E. coli, Salmonella or Listeria to go undetected in the food that is produced and distributed. While the “gold standard” for the industry is still culture-related methods […]
Industry-Government Collaboration: The Changing Role of Controlling Bodies
By Cesare Varallo Our first blog post in this series looked at why changes are needed in the regulatory systems affecting imported food, and how the EU is dealing with this crucial issue. Today’s blog post examines the approach being taken by Canada and the United States. After an evaluation that started back in 2016 […]
New Food Safety Rules for Imports: EU Focuses on Prevention, Record of Compliance
By Cesare Varallo First in a two-part series In a world of growing complexity and fast-moving international trade, ensuring the safety of food is becoming a daunting task for the controlling authorities, especially when it comes to enforcing domestic food safety requirements on imported food. Indeed, while trade is expanding, the amount of resources available […]